Aidan graduated from The University of Queensland with a passion for helping people recover from injuries and return to their active lifestyles. He began his career in a private practice musculoskeletal clinic on the Sunshine Coast, Australia, where he developed proficiency in treating sporting injuries, providing post-operative rehabilitation, and managing general muscular sprains and strains.
In 2024, Aidan moved to Wanaka, motivated by his love for the outdoors and a desire to escape the Australian heat. He split his work week between town and Cardrona ski resort, where he worked as a physiotherapist. Across both locations—but especially at the resort—Aidan encountered a wide range of acute injuries, with knee injuries and ACL ruptures being particularly common. He is highly experienced in assessing and treating ACL injuries, having guided many patients through the three streams of rehabilitation, including the Cross Bracing Protocol. Aidan has extensive experience working with international patients, particularly Australians who have traveled post-injury.
With his years of practice in Australia, he is well-equipped to guide you through your recovery journey while in Japan and can provide valuable education and referrals as needed to support your transition back home. Aidan has a special interest in lower limb rehabilitation, post-operative care, and general musculoskeletal injuries. He is dedicated to helping his clients regain their strength and mobility, enabling them to return to the activities they love.